Frequently asked questions about TOOLPLACE
Yes, the software is designed in such a way that you can also invite your existing tool suppliers to join the enquiry process. Your suppliers get a free guest access and can then participate in your tool enquiries.
The price depends on the particular service. Please contact a TOOLPLACE employee, then your personal request can be discussed and an offer can be made.
Our digital services relate to application areas around injection molding.
Specifically, we are developing software that greatly simplifies the mold procurement process. In addition, it is possible to search for new mold makers quickly and easily via TOOLPLACE.
Small companies in particular benefit from TOOLPLACE services:
At a small injection molder, important employees are often occupied with dual functions. This leaves little time for tasks such as a proactive search for new moldmakers. TOOLPLACE can greatly simplify this search with its moldmaker database. Likewise, a small injection molder benefits especially from the automations in our digital mold request process. Thus, the important employees can focus on the essential tasks.
A small moldmaker often has difficulty raising the funds for an active sales force. We can take that work off their hands with TOOLPLACE services.
That’s exactly why we have our toolmaker database. In it, we have stored the competencies of all toolmakers who are registered with us. The competencies include tool-specific content as well as process-related details under which the tools run in production.
For example, if you are looking for a moldmaker for LSR processing (silicone injection molding), metal powder injection molding (MIM, Metal Injection Molding) or foil back molding (IMD, IML, Insert Molding), then let us know. We will then ask for a few more details and send you the results of the search.
Feel free to contact a TOOLPLACE representative if you have any further questions.
Yes, you can also access only the TOOLPLACE toolmaker database. A typical use case would be, for example, if you are looking for a toolmaker for a new technology (metal injection molding, textile back molding, silicone injection molding,…).
For this purpose, contact a TOOLPLACE employee. He will help you.